by Hartland Carriages | Jan 24, 2022
This carriage is ideally suited to shetlands and small ponies as it is lightweight. Weighing from 125 kgs it is a nice lightweight vehicle, featuring a double front seat and a backstep and rear grooms seats. This carriage is very stylish. Leaf springs suspension,...
by Hartland Carriages | Aug 30, 2016
The Hartland Minimus is a very smart top quality carriage for Fallabella and really tiny miniature ponies, or even large dogs!! These carriages can fit a single adult on the front, but are more suited to children. This vehicle is from around 70kgs and is ideal for...
by Hartland Carriages | Aug 30, 2016
We now do canopied carriages for shetlands, this is a small pony wagonette with a removable canopy. We do three sizes to suit different ponies. For more information contact the office on 01403 730244 PRICE From: £3405 + VAT
by Hartland Carriages | Aug 30, 2016
HARTLAND SHETLANDSPORT available on various wheel sizes to suit small ponies Seating for 4 people comfortably – double front seat with 2 rear groom seat Drivers wedge cushion Under seat storage compartment Leaf spring suspension Rear disc brakes Parking brake...
by Hartland Carriages | Aug 30, 2016
The Minisport comes in two styles Single only and Single and Pairs. Our single only option features independent loop front shafts – for more information on this model look under our single competition carriages section. The single and pairs option has a set of...