by Hartland Carriages | Aug 4, 2016
We can build road coaches and park drags to order – Large selection of design and build options – for more information call the office on 01403730244 or email us at:
by Hartland Carriages | Aug 4, 2016
Hartland body brakes are suited to a team or big pair of horses. It is built to top show standard, but is substantial enough for everyday use also. Built along the similar design lines of an original Brewster body brake. Our own body brake put to a team of Freisians...
by Hartland Carriages | Aug 4, 2016
Our Hartland roof seat brakes can be built for pairs or team use – we base them around original designs to keep them looking as traditional as possible. Brakes where traditionally used by the more affluent house holds as a means of transport – they were...
by Hartland Carriages | Aug 4, 2016
The Hartland back to back dog cart is a carriage built along traditional lines. The driver and passenger sit facing forward whilst the groom is on the back facing the rear, the back drops down to act as a foot board for the groom, whilst there is a space under the...
by Hartland Carriages | Aug 4, 2016
This Hartland Round Backed Phaeton is another beautifully made carriage again being built along traditional lines using traditional methods – This elegant vehicle can be supplied for a single or pair for horses, ponies and Shetlands. It is an extremely...