The Hartland Trisport is a 3 phase single cob/horse carriage. This vehicle is a full competition carriage, but is ideal for the driver who wants to compete, but also have the facility to have a lovely pleasure carriage.

Many of the items on this carriage interchange, It comes with all the brackets and fixing points so the carriage has the option to be upgraded with seat backs, front brakes or a turntable brake at any point in the future. The options are as follows:

  • Seating : can have a single or a double drivers front seat
  • 2 rear grooms seats – these can have removable seat backs, so you can use them for comfy rear seating, OR remove the backs for an athletic backstepper to lean over in obstacles
  • Back step extension: Can have a big backstep extension with knee pads for backstepper use
  • Brakes: Available with the option of rear only or front and rear brakes.
  • Turntable brake – also available
  • Extending axles, available for 3 phase compatibility.
  • Adjustable independent cut back loop front shafts
  • Adjustable rear grab handle
  • Big colour choice

PRICED From: £4445 + VAT