Our Hartland roof seat brakes can be built for pairs or team use – we base them around original designs to keep them looking as traditional as possible. Brakes where traditionally used by the more affluent house holds as a means of transport – they were also used for day trips used in conjunction with the house holds private coach and both would have been commonly seen at horse races where the owners and guests would sit on the carriage for a good vantage point for watching the racing. Our roof seat brakes can be built with either 3 or 4 rows of seats or back to back style center seating. They can be finished in pretty much any colour. We have a large choice of upholstery options – from wool cloths to leather or bedford cord. These carriages feature a large drop down boot at the rear that can have spares drawers built in. The inside of the body may be accessed from the front or via the louvered door on the side.

Common features:

  • Large drivers box seat with drivers wedge cushion.
  • Traditional pull on block brake.
  • Leather whip holder.
  • Traditional roller bolt, for traces to attach to.
  • Fold down lazy back rests or fully removable ones
  • Can have iron shod wheels or rubber tyres
  • Drop down back with spares drawers – (bottle holder and glasses in rear draw – optional extra).
  • Spare leader bars attached to back of seat
  • Umbrella holder.
  • Large lamp brackets.
  • Steps on the side to get up.
  • Leather grab handles – optional extra
  • Hub brakes operated by foot pedal – optional extra
  • Choice of perch and mail coach spring setup or lighter weight leaf springs
  • Large choice of upholstery options (wool cloths, bedford cord or leather)
  • Large selection of traditional colour schemes to suit your own turnout.
  • Can be finished with brass or white metal fittings.

Roof seat brakes generally come complete witha pole for pairs use – team brakes come with both a pole and leader bars.