Hartland body brakes are suited to a team or big pair of horses. It is built to top show standard, but is substantial enough for everyday use also. Built along the similar design lines of an original Brewster body brake.

Our own body brake put to a team of Freisians has been very successful in competitions in multiple classes over the last couple of years. These carriages have a lot of precence at shows and are incredible to see going down the road. These carriages are built using traditional methods – and can be completed with or without a perch. As with the majority of classic team vehicles and large brakes these come with iron shod wheels and a traditional pull on block brake. The second row of seats can be removed to transform the carriage in to a large wagonette. These carriages can be made with twin pole attachments and special swingletrees so that a trandem may be used.
This carriage features:
  • Large drivers box seat with drivers wedge cushion.
  • Traditional pull on block brake.
  • Leather whip holder.
  • Traditional roller bolt, for traces to attach to.
  • Large removable second row of seats – can fit upto 3 people and have fold down lazy back, back rests.
  • Spares locker on the back.
  • Spare leader bars attache to back of seat
  • Large spindled wagonette back – with back rests – longer ones can be ordered to suit the wagonette back when the second set of seats have been removed.
  • Fold down step at the rear.
  • Umbrella holder.
  • Large lamp brackets.
  • Steps on the side to get up on to second row of seats.
  • Leather grab handles – optional extra
  • Hub brakes operated by foot pedal – optional extra.
  • Trandem equiptment – optional extra.
  • Choice of perch and mail coach spring setup or lighter weight leaf springs
  • Large choice of upholstery options (wool cloths, bedford cord or leather)
  • Large selection of traditional colour schemes to suit your own turnout.
  • Can be finished with brass or white metal fittings.

These lovely carriages have been constructed totally traditionally and have square nuts throughout. The big wheels means it rolls very easily. This style of carriage comes with a Team pole – with swan neck pole head and a set of leader bars.