Welcome to Hartland CarriagesAt Hartland Carriages we manufacture and are major suppliers of a wide range of horse carriages, harness and carriage driving accessories.
We are enthusiastic and dedicated carriage drivers ourselves, from singles through to team. We pride ourselves on producing and supplying the finest carriage products. If it’s a Hartland carriage, it’s a quality product.
Please browse this site for our current range in carriage products. We buy and sell used carriages and update new items on this site on a regular basis, so keep coming back!
Latest News From Hartland Carriages
Take a look at our LATEST NEWS SECTION for up to date customer news with their Hartland carriages.
Here are Nichola Woodicors' lovely ponies showing just how versatile and smart the Hi-Tech Harness is - even being used in the Europeans in Hungary. Nichola has to say: Our first HiTech harness we purchased from you way back when, was for Khoja; he's a 12hh Caspian so...
How splendid to see Judith Williams donkeys :Nigel (in blue) Paddy (in green) & Lottie (in red) in their Hartland Robin RS. Judith says: Hartland Robin RS was purchased from Joanne back over Xmas 2020 collected Jan 2021 after I had got over covid. My donkeys (I...
Here we have Michael White and his stunning 14 year old Percheron mare, Willingham Mary, bred by E Bailey & Sons - Willingham, Cambridgeshire, in their new Trailblazer deluxe, supplied by us. Michael says Willingham Mary is successfully show in hand and driven and...