Here are Nichola Woodicors’ lovely ponies showing just how versatile and smart the Hi-Tech Harness is – even being used in the Europeans in Hungary.
Nichola has to say:
Our first HiTech harness we purchased from you way back when, was for Khoja; he’s a 12hh Caspian so very slight and we needed a harness that would do the job but didn’t weigh a tonne. Barry Hook who broke him for us, recommended the HiTech so that’s what we got. And don’t regret it. The harness has been ‘hammered’ or should I say, well used(?) but still looks great. We sold him in 2021 but the harness is still going strong being used on our Dartmoor Hill Pony, Cosmo, and on other ponies that have passed our way.
Graham is World Horse Welfare Graham; a 12.3hh Welsh x who is effectively in witness protection. In 2022 he went to the Europeans in Hungary, complete with his HiTech waffle harness, which was a major achievement for a rescue pony. The harness is great, again lightweight and strong and certainly smart enough for any occasion. Amy Mundell took that photo.
Neither harness has ever given us any issues fit wise, and was our first port of call when now looking for a pairs harness, so fingers crossed Graham and Hedgehog will love it and we have exciting times ahead.

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