How splendid to see Judith Williams donkeys :Nigel (in blue) Paddy (in green) & Lottie (in red) in their Hartland Robin RS.
Judith says:
 Hartland Robin RS was purchased from Joanne back over Xmas 2020 collected Jan 2021 after I had got over covid.
My donkeys (I have 6!!) have a very busy life. We go out for donkey walks (all over the the place) which is great for building their confidence up, I have joined several driving clubs and they are very welcoming to have me and my donkeys join in on their drives. It’s the Windsor Great Park drive this weekend which my 3 donkeys will be attending.
I have 4 driving donkeys, 1 just starting driving and one just being hitched up. I have had a go at tandem, rein handling hopefully will improve, long way to go before being seen in public! I am hoping to drive a team next year.
I have attached 2 more photos of my Hartland being used last year at a wedding with Nigel & Lottie driving. That was a lot of work getting everything sparkling but great fun!!’

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